It is just a simple tool to improve the integration. This extension is an independent project and has no relationship to this project.

PDF-XChange Viewer is a trademark of Tracker Software Products, registered in the England and other countries. However, at this point, there is nor Mac neither Linux versions of this PDF viewer. This native client is only available on Window, Linux and Mac operating systems. The application has an attractive and intuitive user interface. Note: you will need to install a small native client for this extension to be able to communicate with this PDF viewer. Download 1/3 PDF-XChange Viewer is a free PDF editor/reader, which allows you to view and edit PDF formatted documents. While most functionality is free, some features require payment and are clearly indicated. This way a copy of the PDF file is first downloaded to the default download directory and then the local file is passed to the PDF-XChange Viewer. PDF-XChange Editor is a lightweight PDF editor and viewer that allows you to create, view, edit, annotate, OCR and digitally sign PDFs. If you also want to keep the original PDF file, go to the options page and enable "Download PDF file" option. Note: PDF-XChange Viewer is capable of opening remote URLs so this extension by default only passes the URL of the PDF file to the PDF-XChange Viewer. In the options page, you can configure the extension to open PDF links with PDF-XChange Viewer as well. After installation, a new item is added to the right-click context menu for PDF links.

This extension offers opening PDF links with PDF-XChange™ Viewer.